Mesier Homestead
The Wappingers Historical Society is the custodian of the historic Mesier Homestead in the Village of Wappingers Falls, built in c1742.
We are very pleased to provide you an opportunity to virtually visit this historic Homestead. The virtual tour is a set of beautiful 360 degree panoramic images of every major room in the Homestead which you can fully control and view. There is also a clickable point within some rooms which allows you to learn more about a particular item.
Come visit us to see the Mesier Homestead in person! You will learn more about its history, artifacts, and the roles the Brower and Mesier families played in Revolutionary War and the development of Wappingers Falls. For more information, our tour schedule and how you can become a Docent or Greeter, press the "Learn More" button.
Mesier Homestead Tour Information
The Mesier Homestead is open for tours!
On weekdays, we offer our Signature Experience private tours. Day and time are flexible; advanced reservations are required.
One Sunday each month, the Homestead is open for public tours. Tours on select Sundays are offered at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Advanced tickets are suggested and can be purchased online, but walk-ins will be accommodated if space allows.
More information about our tours can be found on our Events page. Press the “View Scheduled Tours” button to learn more.

In our online store:
Have you read this book yet? “The Birth and Growth of an Old Village” by Edgar Popper provides a comprehensive recording of Village of Wappingers Falls history, including first land owners, prominent families, early factories, major village fires and early fire companies, churches and village businesses throughout the years. It’s a “must read” for current and past residents of the village and town!
This, and many other books about our area can be found in our online Gift Shop. Shipping or curbside pick up is available.
Visit the HOMETOWN WAPPINGERS shopping category to see all the unique items we carry that celebrate Wappinger!
On May 1, 1777 Peter Mesier purchased what is now known as the Mesier Homestead. This was the home of 3 generations of the Mesier family until August 1891. But who was Peter Mesier, and why are he and his family important to the Village of Wappingers Falls? Discover their story in our special feature about the Mesier Family.
Mesier Family
Meet some of the men and women who
contributed to the history of the Hudson Valley! History comes alive in this video production, where you’ll hear a firsthand account of the 1777 Wappingers Tea Party from Catherine Mesier. You’ll meet Orson Fowler and Dan Brouthers, learn about Daniel Nimham, Sojourner Truth and more!
Pathway Through History

Mesier Homestead Restoration

Exciting news! We have begun the restoration of the original 1741-43 portion of the Mesier Homestead so that it can be stabilized and eventually opened to the public. Read about our goals and follow our progress by clicking below. You can aide in our efforts by making your tax-deductible contribution today to this historic building’s preservation!