Make a Donation
As a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization, we rely on our community of friends, members and local businesses for donations to support our mission of historic preservation and education. Without the generosity of our community, the Wappingers Historical Society simply cannot exist.
There are several ways that you can support our efforts to ensure that our history comes alive and that the 1741 Mesier Homestead is preserved for future generations. In addition to attending our annual fundraising events, becoming a member of the Society or shopping at our gift shop, we welcome your monetary donations, legacy gifts, stock donations, and memorial gifts. Donations of Wappinger area artifacts are very welcome as well…to us, there are no substitutes for having treasures from the past to tell the story of our history.
Any donation made to us is tax deductible. This is true for monetary donations as well as donations of historical artifacts of value to the Society. Scroll down for more information ways you can contribute to the Wappingers Historical Society -
​all are important and needed for us to continue our mission.
Monetary Donations
We gratefully welcome any monetary donation you make to the Wappingers Historical Society. Your contribution helps us preserve, document, research and interpret the past history of the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger and its surrounding hamlets. Your gift helps fund all facets of our mission, enables us to serve the public, and makes history come alive in so many ways.
Here are some ways we put your support to work:
Preserve and exhibit our collection of artifacts, images, and original documents.
Share photos, documents, maps, diaries, ephemera (and more) online through digital archives.
Preserve our historic building, the 1741 Mesier Homestead.
Offer community activities such as Mesier Homestead tours and related special events to visitors of all ages; Speakers Series lectures; create and distribute our quarterly newsletter The Homestead Chronicle.
Manage our online presence through our website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.
Please consider making your most generous gift today and give a gift for the next generation. If you would like to designate a directive on how your donation should be applied (educational programs, restoration of the Mesier Homestead, etc.), just let us know and we'll ensure that the money you donate is used specifically for that purpose.
Thank you for your generosity!
Artifact Donations
In the past, family heirlooms were passed from generation to generation, preserving family history. More recently, treasured photographs of distant relatives and of a time gone by are relegated to the trash. Discoveries of items from the last century, or older, are found in a dusty corner of the basement or attic. Household items and old clothing, once considered treasures, are thrown out due to the pressures of shrinking house space and changing lifestyles.
Consider giving your treasures of the past to the Society. To us, there are no substitutes for having artifacts to tell the story of our history. To be able to maintain these important items of our past - Wappingers area photographs, documents, and artifacts from the early 1900’s and older - we can begin to tell an informative and educational story of the days gone by; how people lived, the styles of the day and the creative inventions of the time. Please contact us if you feel you have an item(s) that may be of interest to us and we will discuss it’s appropriateness and how to proceed. When you donate an item, the value of that item is eligible to be a tax deduction for you.
Remember us in your Estate
There are few things in life we can do so easily that make such a big difference. Please consider naming the Wappingers Historical Society in your will or designating us as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, IRA or retirement plan, Certificate of Deposit, or annuity.
After taking care of family and loved ones, remembering the Historical Society as a beneficiary or in your estate planning is a simple way to pass along something special that lives on through the work we do. Those who include a charity or nonprofit organization in their plans are among the happiest. Your gift will create a legacy to help ensure that our local history will be preserved and enjoyed for generations to come.
Stock Donation, Matching Gifts, Memorial & Tribute Gifts
Generosity comes in many forms, and there are many options available so that you can find the best way to support what is important to you – the preservation and sharing of history.
Memorial and tribute gifts made in honor of someone special to you become a lasting tribute to them. Consider a gift made in your loved one’s name in celebration of a special occasion such as birthday or anniversary, or in memory of a life well lived. Your gift is a meaningful way to honor your loved one while supporting the work of our mission.
If you work for, or are retired from, a community-minded company, your contribution to the Wappingers Historical Society may be twice as valuable! Many companies will match your gift, dollar to dollar. Some companies even double or triple the amount - at no additional cost to you. Please check with your company’s Human Resources department to see if they offer a corporate match program, then contact us for the needed tax information.
The donation of stock or securities is a great way to support the Society and may offer advantages above and beyond the charitable income tax deduction as you may avoid capital gains tax. We encourage you to consult with your tax advisor for details, and then contact us for guidance on how to proceed.