The Homestead Chronicle Archive
Below are the archives of each quarterly newsletter, first published in April of 2015.

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Looking for past newsletters c. 1967-2010. As much as we take great care and pleasure in preserving the past for the Community, we've not done our best work of archiving when it comes to our own newsletters of the past. We are currently going through our own archives and files to pull these together and onto this page. As with most any volunteer organization, some of the things we focus on tend to have an ebb and flow to them depending on the interests and talents of the active members of the time. As a result, the production of newsletters has not been something that the Society has always done. If you should happen to have an old copy of a Wappingers Historical Society newsletter that you would allow us to scan for this page, please let us know. You can call us at 845-632-1281 or email us at info@wappingershistoricalsociety.org by clicking the “email us” button below.